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Abbie Normal

#Clojure introduced me to lispy languages

And one of the tools was Emacs Live

It was a .emacs folder that you could just drop in your home folder and that made Emacs a georgous IDE for Clojure

Requiring people to learn to deal with Emacs before they can write a single line of the language they're approaching is a stupid punishment

I wrote this after reading this thread

amirouche 🌱


I found a workflow that works for me, and makes me happy.

Nyan Max

@abbienormal I don't understand why people so smart to programming think that Emacs is difficult to use.

Nyan Max

@abbienormal Emacs is easy to use. Im not programmer and I use Emacs for to do all. Programming Clojure too

I am not here, write email if need to Emacs is easy if you like using shortcuts, which is good anyway cause you don't have to deal with icons and menus, and all that stupid stuff that holds you back and makes you incredible slow.

Repetition makes you faster working with shortcuts. Once you make your setup work, it's way easier than to deal with GUI stuff, imo.

Abbie Normal


wait a minute: if you use Clojure, you _are_ a programmer 😁

Anyway, see here

Nyan Max

@abbienormal programming in a language is not the same as being a programmer.

@abbienormal Emacs distros are definitely nice options to have, but I think they should be presented as options, rather than "the way". I tried switching from Vim to Emacs several times using config distros like Spacemacs and DOOM Emacs, but it never stuck for me until I went vanilla (+ guix for packages). Avoiding "dealing with Emacs" was what actually made it harder for me.
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