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@alcinnz the base html form language is pretty good at expressing semantically what the form is/wants. it’s even a great API definition language, even if the apis amit describes are boring and old fashioned. ideally stuff like css/javascript is only used to enhance the experience- the forms *should* work with javascript and css fully disabled. but as we all know, they typically don’t.

Zen replied to Zen

@alcinnz but, assuming they did, they fulful the promise of a self describing API. all a client needs to do is understand the html form and it can present any sort of UI it needs to, to fully interact with the api the form describes. it’s really under appreciated how great a design it is.

Adrian Cochrane replied to Zen

@zensaiyuki Absolutely! Now can I make it a reality?

The struggle ofcourse is the majority of forms which like to define their own widgets, there's no way I'll be able to handle that...

Zen replied to Adrian

@alcinnz there’s spambots that do. which of course is another factor working against you. many websites, in the effort to stop spambots, make it difficult to realise this vision on purpose.

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