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The only ways they have innovated over the past 3 years is basically by:
a) taking something that everyone was requesting for at least two of those years.
b) them taking something implemented by the community, either bots or custom clients, and then them establishing that into their own product or even banning the thing that created the idea and demonstrated the demand for something that can be as rudimentary as *basic moderation tools*.


Like, the only decision I can think of that they actually took which was their own was their attempt with creating a storefront for video games. And it is a fact that it went absolutely awfully.

Everything from "DND" mode, to threads, YouTube to video calls, to custom emojis and music bots...

The only thing that they just created that was original and remotely bad was the Discord Nitro-only Spotify integration so that you can listen to music with your friends. That's just it. Literally it.


Ah, I also forgot about the noise canceling. That only works on Windows, and barely even did so in that case.


Folks, I think I have just had a revelation: Open-source developers, people that put out their work for free on the internet, are not necessarily just creating things that only nerds would use, they are just quite possibly horrible businesspeople.


People that have used Discord and WhatsApp can never possibly argue to me how Matrix is infinitely worse than both of these things.

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