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Jason Lefkowitz

@chronrevisited Yeah, there were other fights as well, like the battle over the Micro Channel Architecture that the PS/2 brought. The original PC was surprisingly open for an IBM product -- a decision IBM spent the rest of its time in the PC business trying desperately to undo

Computer Chronicles Revisited

@jalefkowit Incidentally, the next episode I'm writing up involves a barrage of DOS utilities designed to address shortcomings with the 8086 and 80286 design. One of the demos is "DoubleDos," which tried to introduce a crude form of multi-tasking on the XT. There were some on-set issues with the implementation. :p

Charles U. Farley

@jalefkowit @chronrevisited The lack of Linux support for MCA is the only reason I ran OS/2 instead of Linux until I built my Pentium machine in '95. I tried out MINIX, but it became clear fairly quickly that it couldn't replace OS/2 for me.

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