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Charles ☭ H

@jalefkowit I was a kid at the time and a big fan of os/2, so my memory may be untrustworthy, but I thought the is/2 adverts were really great and they did seem to generate chatter. The problem wasn't the content, IMO.

. . . in retrospect, being a teenage fan of an operating system in the 90s was probably why everybody at school thought I was weird and I would be predisposed to like any big budget ad campaign.

I've never really used windows. I went from os/2 to linux to Mac to linux.

Charles ☭ H replied to Charles ☭ H


Just watched the advert reel and, uh, expensive and full of middle aged white people does sound very IBM to be fair. It's not a company that projects dynamism or youth.

Jason Lefkowitz replied to Charles ☭ H

@celesteh lucky bastard 😆​

DOS bent my poor child brain in ways that took many years to recover from

Charles ☭ H replied to Jason

@jalefkowit oh no, I had years of DOS and bad habits from BASIC still haunt me.

Jason Lefkowitz replied to Charles ☭ H

@celesteh BASIC!!! BASIC screwed me up pretty bad too.

In high school I wrote an entire text adventure game in Apple BASIC using nothing but GOTOs for flow control. In retrospect, pure masochism

Shawn K. Quinn replied to Jason

@jalefkowit @celesteh In some dialects of BASIC, GOTO was all you had.

I, too, learned programming in BASIC, later 6502 assembly language and then Pascal on a Mac in high school. We actually turned in printouts of our code in high school... how quaint.

Shawn K. Quinn replied to Jason

@jalefkowit @celesteh The only bad thing about DOS is the stupidly incompatible backward slash for path separation. Done just to be sure the creators of CP/M didn't sue Microsoft... sheesh. And we're still stuck with it decades later.

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