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@NaiJi @tennoseremel seems like a less than perfect solution, here’s a script that takes a directory and searches for the image sources to put it in ${filename}.source

./ yourdirectory

(be careful I wrote it very quickly, also you might want to add a sleep in the for loop to avoid flooding gelbooru and getting banned :cirnoWink: )


if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo "no directory provided"

for i in $1/*; do
    md=$(md5sum $i | sed 's/ .*$//')
    gel=$(curl --silent "${md}" | grep -e "https.*id=" | sed 's/amp.//g;s/^.*https/https/;s/.tags.*//;1q')
    if [ -n "$gel" ]; then
        src=$(curl --silent "$gel" | grep Source | sed 's/amp;//g;s/^.*href..//;s/. rel.*//;1q')
        echo "$src"
        echo "$src" > "${i}.source"

@NaiJi @tennoseremel seems like a less than perfect solution, here’s a script that takes a directory and searches for the image sources to put it in ${filename}.source

./ yourdirectory

(be careful I wrote it very quickly, also you might want to add a sleep in the for loop to avoid flooding gelbooru and getting banned :cirnoWink: )

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