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Matt 🌻

Makes me sick that second hand stores in Oslo often charge more for their β€œvintage” clothes than buying new.

Why are you selling a sweater from the 80s for 699kr when I can buy a brand new one for less?? The original sweater probably only cost 300kr.

Second hand is meant to be good for the environment AND good for your pocket. Vintage boutiques aren’t helping.

berkes 🐝 🚐 πŸ„ 🌱

@matt It gives us a look inside the business:

The majority of the price of your sweater goes to the shop (from which they pay rent, wages, energy etc). This is typically a 2.7x markup.

kr440 of that 700 goes to the shop. kr260 to the wholesaler. All the way up to the manufacturer or cleaner.

Ergo: very little of that price is manufacturing. Sometimes under 50kr. Just cleaning 2nd hand inside norway might even be more.

This world is sick.


@matt Probably there's more demand for that vintage sweater?

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