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TQ 🌌

I packed a very limited color palette. Need to take a picture later. It's literally 3 blues, 2 earth tones, 1 green, 1 yellow, neon pink and titanium white. (Might have forgotten one or two, maybe.)
I did not pack burnt umber or coelin blue. The latter one had gone bad, unfortunately, the former one I think I forgot.
Might buy those two here. And probably more titanium white. I only packed a tiny tube that's already halfway done.

TQ 🌌

I indeed remembered the colors correctly. Here is every color I packed for this trip:
(Not pictured are my various thin pens. They are black, I haven't worked with them on paintings yet.)

TQ 🌌

One painting session later I wish for burnt umber and coelin blue with renewed passion, and I hate everything my hands are creating at the moment. I'm a waking art block.

TQ 🌌

Watch me struggle, fail and get back up in real time.

TQ 🌌

(I'm currently in the "fail" state.)

TQ 🌌

So I bought burnt umber, cyan blue and titanium white. Continued with a restricted palette (just added neon pink and indian yellow). I'm so much happier with how these turned out, I mean, look at the blues!

TQ 🌌

Might fix the horizon on the smaller one. I didn't have the patience for that at the beach, it was a bit too sunny for my liking.

TQ 🌌

There, I fixed it. A bit. Like it better now!

TQ 🌌

Today was a rough day. Didn't arrive at a result I liked, partly because I painted with a brush that is too small. I need my 6 cm brush, even when I'm painting on just 20x30cm. Also I painted in full sun at noon with a sunburn, trying to huddle under a protective scarf. *sigh* I need to find a good spot to paint!

TQ 🌌

I think what I'm trying to do here is recombining the different aspects of my work, the abstract, gestural, but also the neo-impressionist and surreal parts. I need to give me time to figure out the process that lets me arrive somewhere I like, and maybe I do have to work with photographic references again? I am really not cut out for staying in the sun for too long!

TQ 🌌 replied to TQ

And I constantly struggle against trying to incorporate too much naturalism. I should stay away from the smaller brushes! I should not try to mimic clouds! I don't need to go back to this paint-by-numbers-mindset, it holds me back every time and ruins the work!

TQ 🌌 replied to TQ

I was courageous today and went to the beach again and painted.

TQ 🌌 replied to TQ

Here are my favorites so far, spread out with some stuff as size reference.

TQ 🌌 replied to TQ
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