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Privacy Guide 1984

@BreachCat Threema protects your metadata from third parties and collects as little as possible. Decent choice.

Signal's metadata protection is a bit better; it supports Sealed Sender and PFS, but also requires your phone number. Good choice.

Briar is the best option in terms of security and metadata protection, since it's decentralised, meaning that no server is involved at all. Though, that requires both sender and recipient to be online at the same time.


@datenschutzratgeber And what is the most anonymous solution for one-on-one communication?

Privacy Guide 1984

@BreachCat Most anonymous is Briar, since a) you don't sign up anywhere, b) you don't have to trust any server and c) all traffic is routed via Tor. Though, I find it quite inconvenient to use, honestly.

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