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Gelt-Seeking Gastropod 🐚

#collage #art #MastoArt #Photoshop #cake

“Buzzard’s Bake Shop 13” - Fat horizontal rectangle in coarse pale yellow. 2 triangular slices of fruitcake @ top & 1 long cake strip @ bottom. A centered blue half-circle & a row of 8 forks pointing down from top. 2 pink-rimmed plates & vertical yellow strip over this form a guitar-like shape w/a simple devil’s head atop them. Other trim: 4 waxy pink & blue buttons & asemic pink cursive snippets @ left & right.

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Gelt-Seeking Gastropod 🐚 replied to Gelt-Seeking Gastropod 🐚

#collage #art #MastoArt #Photoshop #cats #MastoCats

“Friday In The Park” - Tall rectangle in blue & green. Covered by simple, blurred hourglass shape made from twisting a bouquet of red #poppies & other flowers in pink, pale yellow, & soft blue. 2 stylized drawings of tabby #kittens w/green eyes & mauve ribbons sit on either side of flowers. Other trim: 2 butterflies @ top & bottom & a red glass dot resembling a ladybug at center.

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