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As I've gotten older, I've become increasingly disinterested/disillusioned in the core structure of an entity rather than its actions.

Or put more practically- while one might expect a non-profit (or charity) to be good by its design, I've seen shady non-profits and I've seen good for-profits, including all of the issues of fairness, worker treatment, profit sharing, etc.

I'm far less interested in how something is structured than what it actually *does*.

1 comment

As an example, I've seen treatment of workers in the non-profit space that would get someone fired at most companies.

I've also seen companies treat people terribly, working them to the bone and profiting off their backs.

I've seen "non-profits" give their executives huge bonuses of $100,000+, and I've seen small companies treat their employees like family.

The structure alone doesn't tell us the whole story about an entity. I don't think it can.

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