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Frankie ✅

This morning I went to fill the feeder and found another bird trapped in the feeder. Possibly the same bird. Its head was trapped like the previous one. I took the feeder apart but it didn't fly away. That's when I noticed how injured it was. Part of its face was bloodied and possibly gone including an eye. It had at least one wing broken and I think possibly a broken neck. The worst part was it was still alive.

Frankie ✅

I didn't know what to do. I let it sit there for a bit hoping it would come out of shock but it would not move. I ended up trying to gently dump it into a planter box. It panicked and flailed its way onto my porch. I had no choice but to leave it there. I refilled the feeders and went inside. It didn't take long for one of the neighborhood cats to get it.

Frankie ✅

Not sure what to do. Was this a one off with a single bird wasn't very smart or should I take down the feeder and try to find a different one.


@Some_Emo_Chick I am not sure what brand of feeder you are using but I have had good luck with Brome squirrel buster feeders. A bit pricey but excellent CS. I have had a couple of feeders mangled by bears and they replaced the broken parts free of charge. HTH.


@Some_Emo_Chick I can't tell you how many times my brother and I had to replace the glass in ones like these after our mother shot out the glass shooting at those pesky squirrels. 😭

Erich Apfel

@Some_Emo_Chick Ouch. That's tough. Did you use the same feeder the last years without any incidents? If it's a new feeder I'd blame it on the design and get a different one.

Frankie ✅

@turion Yeah I'm still not sure if it's a one-off incident or not.


@Some_Emo_Chick I'd make the feeder opening a bit smaller. Just glue a piece of whatever you got laying around on the bottom.

And find smarter birds.



One off, I would say.
See if it happens again with the same feeder.

You've doubtless increased their numbers,
so it's unlikely you are a danger to Sparrow,
just to sparrows, and maybe just that one.


@Some_Emo_Chick I'd keep the same bird feeder up. Now that you know for sure the first bird is no longer in play just see what happens. If it happens with a second bird maybe replace the feeder. Might have just been a dumb bird. People can be like that too, that's why they have warning labels on products for the stupidest things.

Frankie ✅

@Max_Power75 Yeah I'm thinking dumb bird. I will also be extra vigiliant in keeping it full because I think they are squeezing in to reach the last of the seed.

Jesse Saenz

@Some_Emo_Chick how long have you used this feeder and how certain are you that it’s the same bird. I’ll keep the feeder unless it becomes a routine occurrence.

Frankie ✅

@jesse This feeder is about a year old

I can't say for certain it's the same bird. I am convinced but there is no way to be sure. Really the only thing I can do is wait and see.

Jesse Saenz

@Some_Emo_Chick one year of use with only one casualty is not a bad result. Darwinism still actively exists in the animal kingdom

Frankie ✅

@jesse That's true but with years of having a bird feeder, this is the first casualty.

(Not counting the cats)

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