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Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

@AgreeableLandscape @r000t
sudo modprobe anti~christ~cheat

Just a UAC prompt

Only true when you use admin(root) account.


@iska @r000t yeah, but this specific vulrnability hinges on not requiring UAC authorisation to install the anticheat. Like, if you need to sudo it, it's a lot less of a threat.


There's a higher level than any interactive administrator account on a Windows system, called NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, and this is the level drivers and this sort of anticheat run at.

This is the level you would need to be to start doing really nasty things like keylogging, hiding processes/network/file activity, and generally making your computer gaslight you. This also means it can gaslight any antivirus you may be running.


@r000t @iska this just goes with the theme that you don't own your Windows system that Microsoft is going for. You're merely a guest on the OS you paid for.

@iska @AgreeableLandscape @r000t bit the real question is what will it do and I'm going to use someone else's phone to find out
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