@AgreeableLandscape @r000t
sudo modprobe anti~christ~cheat
Just a UAC prompt
Only true when you use admin(root) account.
@AgreeableLandscape @r000t Just a UAC prompt Only true when you use admin(root) account. 5 comments
@AgreeableLandscape This is the level you would need to be to start doing really nasty things like keylogging, hiding processes/network/file activity, and generally making your computer gaslight you. This also means it can gaslight any antivirus you may be running. @AgreeableLandscape @r000t @iska @AgreeableLandscape @r000t bit the real question is what will it do and I'm going to use someone else's phone to find out
@iska @r000t yeah, but this specific vulrnability hinges on not requiring UAC authorisation to install the anticheat. Like, if you need to sudo it, it's a lot less of a threat.