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Early unit of computing power: one "kilogirl" was equivalent to a thousand hours of manual computing labor

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From the excellent "Broad Band" by Claire L. Evans

Fire Wally

@trickster I just finished that book! It was really well done


@firewally @trickster me too, listened to the audiobook actually. Excellent stuff!

Zoiëty of Queer Garden

@trickster @tulsi which book is this from?

*prepares to hide in the corner in case it’s Hidden Figures*


@trickster depicted in this 2016 film: which I watched while ironing, most likely...


@trickster assuming that they could probably calculate about 1 FLOPS (because they were smart professionals and could do a difficult add/mul in their heads very fast for a human) 1
kFLOPS = 3.6 megagirls, so a modern 1 TFLOPS GPU could be expressed as 3.6 petagirls.

Ride Theory

@trickster @bstacey While both of these terms are demeaning, I'd still like to see the conversion factor for a millihelen (the unit of beauty needed to launch a single ship.)


@ridetheory oh, "kilogirl" is undoubtedly dehumanizing at worst and patronizing at best. The men had "man-hours". Girl's work could not possibly bear the same mark, and we can't just change the qualification of MAN-hours. Bleh.

However, it is one of those rare episodes where women's work gets recognized.

(thanks for reminding me of milihelens)


@trickster And those girls are still held under a glass dome in a Paris university!! !! When will we update the definition?!?!


@priryo one of these days, we'll be able to redefine a "girl" in relation to one of the fundamental constants of the universe

Queer Supervillainess

@trickster Girls are powerful.

*is inspired and feels huge respect for those ladies.*


1 099 511 628 kilogirl ≈ 1 tebicat


Does anybody know if there are estimates around about how many FLOPS those trained professionals could achieve?

Ludovic Archivist Lagouardette

@oblomov @trickster

I would make a simple estimate of around a full operation per 5 seconds on average (not including stuff that required the use of a table like sin/cos/tan/exp...) depending on the amount of significant digits, which would be 0.2FLOPS. That would put a "kilogirl" at around 720000 operations on average.

Ludovic Archivist Lagouardette

@oblomov @trickster

That makes 10Mgirl around 1.7ms of runtime on a GeForce 1080 (it is a low estimate, because those girls were probably relatively faster at doing an exponential, and more accurate, than a 1080)

серафими многоꙮчитїи


Photograph of text in a book:

"As female voices buzzed across the growing telephone networks in the first half of the twentieth century, the term "girl" was used interchangeably with "computer". One member of the Applied Mathematics Panel, a division of the National Defense Research Committee that administered a human computing group in the early 1940s, ballparked a unit of "kilogirl" energy as being equivalent to roughly a thousand hours of computing labor. The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics - the predecessor to NASA - kept its own pool of "girls," which included black women as early as the 1940s, working in a segregated west section of Langle Research Center. One of these, the mathematician Katherine Johnson, who joined the Space Task Force in 1958, hand calculated trajectories for Alan Shepard's and John Glenn's spaceflights. The Computing Group at Langley ran all its analytical calculations by hand,"

"kilogirl" is outlined by hand in red


Photograph of text in a book:

"As female voices buzzed across the growing telephone networks in the first half of the twentieth century, the term "girl" was used interchangeably with "computer". One member of the Applied Mathematics Panel, a division of the National Defense Research Committee that administered a human computing group in the early 1940s, ballparked a unit of "kilogirl" energy as being equivalent to roughly a thousand hours of computing labor. The National Advisory Committee...

Zoé Bourdon 🏳️‍⚧️ 🌈

@trickster Also, the story of those women at NASA is told in the 2016 movie “Hidden Figures”. Highly recommended.

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