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Klaus Alexander Seistrup
@Nocta It's like Greenland with and without the ice sheet.

@Nocta Oh that second photo is just a guy "quiet quitting". Haha.

Paula - rip Natenom

@Nocta The strength we also should admire:

Someone standing in the middle of the pit saying: I'm not giving up.


@Nocta Not pictured: The helicopter that dropped the person in the first panel near the summit


@Nocta my partner told me today, after 4 years of not leaving the house other than for medical stuff, that she wants to go for a walk with me on the weekend. I'm so proud of her.

grob 🇺🇦

Not to forget the strength "I'm doing it". Helping people while they are struggling, acknowledging it, valuing them when they need it. Even more important than the a posteriori pat on the shoulder.

c0debabe, sleepy raccoon

@Nocta I wrote a paper on that in high school and my teacher thought I was weird. I got a B+ though that was good.

Thinks Deer Are Cool

@Nocta really feeling the edge of that fucking mountain on the far right there


This is very good. I like it a lot :blobcatcoffee:

Nocta [migrée]

This post blew up for some reason, for a lazy (I did put alt text but beside that...) repost of an image I found on reddit x)

So yeah it comes from that person just in case, which seem to be a "personnal development" person : heh

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