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razorgrrrl :black_sparkles:

the most important rule of video editing is

you have to try to see things through the eyes of your audience

you gotta be able to imagine what the experience for someone who's never watched it before would be like

it's easy to get lost in editing, like you see and hear the same things so many times repeatedly you get desensitized

sometimes you just gotta go do something else for a bit and come back fresh

it's part of the reason i watch my videos so many dozens of times after publishing them

to see what i could've done differently, which i do by trying to imagine i'm watching it for the first time

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles:

you gotta be able to catch the low points where someone would probably get bored and close out of your video

it's a skill that gets refined over time

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles:

this video is like 50% gorgeous mundane scenery and 50% high-tech cyberpunk awesomeness

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles:

there's no spoilers in this btw

it's just background art from the show

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles:

this video overall really encapsulates the general vibe and aesthetic of the show very awesomely i feel

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles:

i couldn't have done this video like a week ago

bc the download link for the full version of the end credits song on is broken

but thankfully, i managed to find project supernova recently -- which also contains the same track

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles:

the one from project supernova is somehow actually in higher quality than the one

or at the very least, the file is twice as big

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles:

audio quality is when the file is big

and the more bigger the file is the more quality it has

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles: replied to razorgrrrl


i feel like i should take out the part in the description that's all like "a montage of the background art from code lyoko set to the full version of the ending theme"

bc people will read that and think "oh, JUST a montage? set to the end theme? sounds cliche and boring" and won't wanna watch it

i always feel like describing my videos takes away half the appeal

like my "save a life" video, calling that a lyricvideo in the description -- i felt like that might turn people off to it

idk lol maybe i'm just trippin out over nothing


i feel like i should take out the part in the description that's all like "a montage of the background art from code lyoko set to the full version of the ending theme"

bc people will read that and think "oh, JUST a montage? set to the end theme? sounds cliche and boring" and won't wanna watch it

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles: replied to razorgrrrl

oh my god

what if it IS cliche and boring

holy shit

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles: replied to razorgrrrl

i made it just about as interesting as i could possibly make it

as a challenge of sorts to myself

to see if i could really edit a video that's nothing but still images in a way that keeps the viewer's attention

it's not my fault if the subject matter is gonna be uninteresting by default to most people

that's just the way things are!!! lol

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles: replied to razorgrrrl

i feel like it takes a really seasoned video editor to strike that perfect balance between too much motion and not enough in a video like this

i hope i was able to get it right lol

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles: replied to razorgrrrl

like you don't wanna fatigue your audience with too much motion

you wanna give em room to breathe with some still images

but not so much room that they grow bored

you also gotta keep shit moving enough to keep their attention

it's like walking a tightrope

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles: replied to razorgrrrl

and it has to be varied motion too

you can't do nothing but zoom-ins, for example

or your audience is gonna get fatigued pretty quickly too

you need a nice healthy mix of zooms in, zooms out, pans across, etc.

and it can't all be to the same percentage, either

it has to be sometimes a little bit, sometimes a medium bit, sometimes a lot maybe

you really gotta try your hardest to keep shit from getting stale

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles: replied to razorgrrrl

starting with a zoomed-in shot of the hermitage in the 90's, pulling out, then having it switch to the abandoned version from ten years later the moment the music hits

is pretty much the only way i could've possibly started this video

i was obligated to open it that way lol

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles: replied to razorgrrrl

the closest thing you're gonna get to spoilers from this video is the thought that "huh wow they sure do revisit a lot of areas from the past that end up abandoned later on, wonder what all that's about"

razorgrrrl :black_sparkles: replied to razorgrrrl

and also maybe a bit of mood whiplash when it goes from the beautiful mundane suburban/academic scenery to full-on cyberpunk in the final third lol

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