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kelbot ◖⎚∠⎚◗

Now we're talking. This velomobile has some serious style.


@kelbot Assuming that came with nice electric assist that thing should sell like hot cakes.

(yeah I understand it's probably not ever going to be a commercial product.)



Reminds me of those ghastly 1920s "Cyclo-Cars".

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

@kelbot On the one hand, phwoaarrr

On the other, I'm just about old enough to remember the Sinclair C5

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

@kelbot also now I'm thinking about the Clive Five again. It was a good idea, it really was; it was just not a good idea in a world with the cars and roads and lifestyles that existed in the 80's. That was a vehicle for a much more perfect world, one where you didn't have to drive more than five or ten miles, one where you wouldn't feel compelled to drive in the rain. If the car had never been invented, the C5 would have been a GREAT car.

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