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vala :verifiedsabakan:
@matt depends on what i am to buy, coop is horrible at bread, but their discount brands and salat bar is pretty decent. kiwi is pretty standard, but has my absolute favourite bread (bakehuset's seterbrød). rema 1000 is not really having the best breads, but if you buy those dual-pack plastic wrapped wholegrain pumpkin breakfast buns instead of bread (a bit expensive) there is no other chain that can compare to the taste of that.

meny... well, i aint rich but they have the best stocked soft-drinks aisle of all chains with exotic choices from all over the world. the bread you can get there when on a discount is pretty nice, but it changes every week so you always have to gamble on the new one still being good.
Velocipede Rider

@gaige @matt

"coop is horrible at bread" Ah yes… I forgot about that. There bread is indeed terrible. To the point I might consider revising

Fredrik Fyksen

@ruari @gaige @matt I try to just buy from Coop. Duopoly is real in matbransjen.

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