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annie, poster of cringe
solved my first no-digit sudoku :)
took just a bit over 20 mins, which i think it's not bad at all for my first one. it's super fun, bouncing around the board and taking laps around. it's really enjoyable, you should give it a try if you have some spare time

@annieversary I saw you share the one-digit one with the 5 in the center and I was boggled, I don't understand how this is possible 💀


@annieversary like, is my brain broken?? (yes, but about this)

annie, poster of cringe
@vultureculture it's all about finding what squares are the most constrained, and getting started with those. in this case, the sum of 4 digits adding to 10 is *quite* constrained in choice of digits. same for the sum of 4 digits adding to 11. with the pattern those cages form, and how they interact, you can instantly know what digits go in the corners of the board. that then constrains the digit possibilities in the 6-cages. this then constrains other cages, and then you just keep going, looking at what squares/cages are the most constrained in possible allowed digits, and how those possible digits then affect other squares/cages
@vultureculture it's all about finding what squares are the most constrained, and getting started with those. in this case, the sum of 4 digits adding to 10 is *quite* constrained in choice of digits. same for the sum of 4 digits adding to 11. with the pattern those cages form, and how they interact, you can instantly know what digits go in the corners of the board. that then constrains the digit possibilities in the 6-cages. this then constrains other cages, and then you just keep going, looking...
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