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David Sterry

Announcing a new Fediverse Enhancement Proposal for your review:

"FEP-e232 is a proposal for representing text-based links to ActivityPub objects using tags"

Learn more and discuss at and


hell yeah, gimme that @jonny:namespace:object reference and #.namespace:object anchor microsyntaxes

Liaizon Wakest

@weex oh thanks for posting! I have been following this topic for years its awesome to see someone trying to standardize it!

We had some disagreement over whether it should be an attachment or a tag; but that's not a hill I intend to die on and one person was willing to die on that hill; insisting it should be a tag because it wasn't "included" in the body but only linked by reference. We actually include it in the body; which means attachment is more appropriate and is the correct answer for our use case. In any case we currently support 10 different quoteUrl mechanisms, but we might be able to whittle that down to 2 at some point.
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