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Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@BillySmith @skyfaller @kelbot

its worth a try - at very least if the cells work you should be able to get enough solar power to charge batteries that could run all the routers / networking / telecoms hardware in the hackspace, independently of UK Power Networks (good for resilience if there are power cuts)

Billy Smith

@vfrmedia @skyfaller @kelbot

It would be interesting. :D

I've never worked with German Silver before. :D

I read how the recipe for the metal was nearly lost due to the anti-German feeling after WW2, but i've never played with it yet. :D

Plus the press-fit design for the plug-caps could be pressed from sheet metal.

The hardware and jigs to do that are really simple, and they've fallen out of patent decades ago. :D

Billy Smith

@vfrmedia @skyfaller @kelbot

If they produce enough power, then attach them to meshnet nodes, and put them everywhere. :D

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