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infinite love ⴳ

@reiver well in a sense the w3c socialcg could have been this, but that's basically disbanded on account of nothing to discuss

the xsf (for xmpp) has a decent model going on, and i can't really find much to critique about it except that you end up having to read a lot of xeps to get basic functionality working. recently they have started doing "compatibility profiles" every year and that's maybe a better more easily digestible approach

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infinite love ⴳ

@reiver like, activitypub could have been a "living standard" maybe, like html5? the w3c as a steward of the activitypub spec basically abdicated its authority though, so actually getting any changes to the wording of the spec is nigh impossible

the real issue is there's no affirmation or confirmation you're doing anything the "right" or "correct" way, in a way that everyone agrees upon, until you do things the "wrong" way and other implementers complain about it

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