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:umu: :umu:
@sjw @zemichi @bajax @dave @lewdthewides @neo @KashKustomer @eternalclassic @nobullyplz @lanodan @mystik @lunarised never had a cat.

That sounds dangerous to me.

I actually remember how I saw one man jogging every morning when I was going to uni. He had a cat on his head.
Ass Burgers :butt::reverseaburg::reverseaburg::reverseaburgnom:
@a1ba @zemichi @bajax @dave @lewdthewides @neo @KashKustomer @eternalclassic @nobullyplz @lanodan @mystik @lunarised not really dangerous. It was about 22:00 here so no traffic and I was actually going away from the road. The only real threat was a stray dog which is uncommon but I was preparing to grab him at a moment's notice, staying vigilant, and also running through contingency plans in my mind.

Looking back I'm surprised how much I planned and thought about all the possible risks in the spur of the moment.

Not too worried about him in front of my apartment (like right now) because he doesn't venture off more than 20 feet (about 6 metres) and if he feels threatened he'll run inside my apartment (he already has several times but he's becoming braver at a surprising rate).

Plus if there's an actual threat I can easily close the door before it becomes a danger. However, if I'm too slow and say a stray dog chases him inside he has plenty of places to be safe until I can remove the dog from my apartment (e.g. under the couch, on top of his cat tree, on top of my living room desk, on top of the kitchen table, etc. [and that's just downstairs!]).

So, I'm not too worried about a situation like this.

Cornbread knows where his home is and knows he'll always be safe there :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
@a1ba @zemichi @bajax @dave @lewdthewides @neo @KashKustomer @eternalclassic @nobullyplz @lanodan @mystik @lunarised not really dangerous. It was about 22:00 here so no traffic and I was actually going away from the road. The only real threat was a stray dog which is uncommon but I was preparing to grab him at a moment's notice, staying vigilant, and also running through contingency plans in my mind.
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