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TIL: `man ascii` to show the ASCII table :blobcatopenmouth:

Tadeu MacAnghusa

@kytta πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ How did I not know this?


@kytta I also tried man unicode, but it's not the CLI version of gucharmap 😑

Π“Ρ€ΠΈΠ³ΠΎΡ€ΠΈΠΉ Клюшников

birnim, I don't even quite understand what that is. A unicode library for some obscure language?


@grishka what happens if you do `man 7 unicode` ? I'm getting a different manpage. Yours seems to be a manpage related to the Tcl language

Adam :archlinux: :terminal:

@kytta No way, why have I not tried this before. Wonderful find indeed!


@ kytta One of my most used man pages.

Neat thing to notice if you look at the tables. If you know that control+G rings the bell. And maybe you've seen people use control (or caret) H to represent backspace. Or if you open a DOS formatted file in a unix editor you get caret M at the end of the line for the carriage returns. Look how those non printiable charactors line up with the alphabet in the table.

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