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bouncepaw 🍄 [MOVED]

By the way, I am looking for package maintainers for a program in #go!

#Mycorrhiza is a wiki engine. The whole program is one binary file and a man file. The only run-time dependency is git.

We already have packages in #Gentoo, #Alpine, #AUR and #nixpkgs.

We probably need #FreeBSD, #NetBSD, #OpenBSD, #Debian, #Ubuntu, #Fedora, #OpenSUSE, #Homebrew and whatnot. More is better.

See repology:

Please boost!


🐡 la ninpre 🍄
@bouncepaw @mycorrhiza i can do openbsd part. i have something like a working port locally. i'll send a link to it here some time later (now still testing it) and also i will post about it on openbsd ports mailing list.
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