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Christine Lemmer-Webber

The DIY FOSS Cyborg

Yes, I met a DIY FOSS Cyborg who lives in Emacs and Guix full-time. And YOU TOO can live such a life, if you dare!

Zacchaeus standing with his full cyborg getup: heads up display, a USB-C dock, a belt, cables leading everywhere including to (out of view) ergonomic keyboards
Christine Lemmer-Webber

I also posted a video of me interviewing Zacchaeus about his DIY FOSS cyborg setup. It's wild to see!

On YouTube:
On PeerTube:

Dragon-sided D

@cwebber Just think how long those batteries would last if he used vim instead!

Infoseepage #StopGazaGenocide

@cwebber I played around with building a couple wearable rigs way back when and was never satisfied enough with the results to refine it beyond the "tangled of wires" stage to something actually useful. Some really cool display technologies coupled with wireless io could enable something much more usable these days without the rats nest.

Infoseepage #StopGazaGenocide

Microvision had some wearable laser displays which I tried out which I thought were really cool. Think they sold some wearables to Boeing for aeronautics engineers to be able to consult assembly documents while crawling inside wings, but not much came of it commercially. They eventually did some of the first laser based pico projectors.

Wonder how the present laser-rastering-your-eyeball displays compare to the latest micro oleds and whatnot.

Microvision had some wearable laser displays which I tried out which I thought were really cool. Think they sold some wearables to Boeing for aeronautics engineers to be able to consult assembly documents while crawling inside wings, but not much came of it commercially. They eventually did some of the first laser based pico projectors.

John Francis

@cwebber I like that all of it can be done while wired to a desktop computer instead of using a mobile device. That's like golluming up into your desk and sewing your face to the monitor so you can be immersed in a terminal.

Julia Evans

@cwebber haha I love this and the feeling of "wow this person is telling me about something cool but I absolutely cannot process it right now" is so relatable


@cwebber Nah, I'm too busy transing my gender.

DNA schedule

@cwebber for a witchy setup, you might pair it with one of these:


@mauve @cwebber
Fedex is hiring right now. Sitting at home, verifying orders. Good pay 2025...uyr


@cwebber Just me scrolling and seeing a picture of my doppelgangar dressed as a cyborg... time to go to sleep.

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