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@wikipedia Many happy returns (and edits and contributions) of the day!


@wikipedia Only 24 years? I remember a lecturer complaining about us students using references to Wikipedia in 2003 when it must have been quite new. Didn't stop us.
It's my favourite source of information.

Resol van Lemmy

@wikipedia so is Creative Commons. That's two birthdays in one.


@wikipedia πŸŽ‚πŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎ

Sarah Poulsen

@wikipedia Congratulations! How does it feel to have simultaneously replaced physical encyclopedias and trivia of the day calendars? (Jk about the trivia calendars, their still around])


@wikipedia Incredible! I remember having to go to the library to research in Encylopaedia Britannica, you would always end up waiting to get the volume you wanted and often ended up wandering along a different path. Of course, by the time it was printed, information was often out of date by a few years. Wikipedia has kept that loose thread to follow feel, and it’s testament to all those working on it that’s remained current and reliable. AI could never replace that.

Carol Hughes

@wikipedia Happy Birthday! An increasingly rare source of trustworthy data. No wonder the Alt right hate it. Donate to support if you can.

Nils A.

@wikipedia Congratulations! For some reason, I thought it must have been around even longer. Here's to the next 24 years and hopefully many years beyond that!

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