"Cultural appropriation", or rather "all cultural appropriation is BAD" is (or, maybe, has over time become) a toxic idea that flies in the face of everything the culture and creativity in general is all about.

Culture is not a "property". It doesn't "belong" to anyone, and it's not clear-cut. You don't need anyone's permission to take its elements and do your own thing with it. When you set barriers for one culture to influence another, both cultures become increasingly stagnant, isolated and inbred.

Now, it's not that you can't do it wrong. It's always about convention, context, circumstance and intent. It's always about WHAT you're going for. If you're going for punching down, bullying and shaming people for what they are, it's ALWAYS wrong, whether you are doing it by taking memes from other social and cultural strata or not.

It's a hammer. You can use it to build houses, you can use it to destroy somebody's home. The hammer is not responsible for either, you are.