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Terence Eden

Did you know, if you're in the UK, you can text the emergency services?
But, you *must* register first.
Text the word "register" to 999 and then follow the instructions.

Tony Hoyle

That seems an odd extra step.. if they have the ability to receive texts then why not just treat them the same as calls?

Kim Because nothing our-favourite-telco do under the guise of Typetalk TextDirect RelayUK is ever straightforward.


@Edent the url in the registration success message returns a 403 🤦

The Emergency SMS page from BT showing a 403 Forbidden error

@Edent sorry, didn’t mean to suggest i thought you could solve the issue!

Terence Eden

@stevenjmesser no, it's no worries, I just didn't have the time this morning. I've emailed them and they're looking into it.


In Germany, you can't text the emergency services, but you can FAX them!

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