@bedast @x_cli I think there is a choice of word "AI" triggered so many people. I remember the days, then programs like in your insulin pump named "neural network", "smart control system", etc. And AI was something cool, futuristic and unattainable because we (still) don't know what is the human consciousness and how the human brain works (like we know how the computers works — from machine codes to RTL and tricky transistors placement on the silicon die).
@bedast @x_cli But near 2020 the hype-train and words substituion is started. As a result of all these speculations, it is completely understendable what people going to outrage when they hear about "AI" because for now AI means not the cool thing like in Star Trek, but a stochastical parrot feeded by a stolen data and forcibly inserted in already good things like washing machines to do stupid things like "chat about socks with washing machine" instead of simply push the button.