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small circle ๐Ÿ•Š in calmness

@Moss @bedast

Also agree on its tremendous value for a11y.

There is however also the surveillance capitalism aspect. Imagine every device with a microphhone or a camera able to phone home tiny compressed and encrypted trickled of plaintext data, containing our conversations and description of social settings. Nightmarish dystopic esp. given all the dystopic stuff we already have.

So in the balance there may be fundamental freedoms A11y is directly addressible need vs. long-termis externality.


@smallcircles @Moss @bedast This has nothing to do with the above post. Its also untrue. This is just useless fearmongering.

small circle ๐Ÿ•Š in calmness

@v0idness @Moss @bedast

Well, in one thing you are correct.. my toot is not replied where it should. It is out of context, sorry, dunno how come. As for the fearmongering.. I wish I could share your handwavyness on the danger, but thinking how technology will also be applied is nothing more than prudent. It is already astounding what is done and possible in the adtech and surveillance biz, and it is freaking Wild West territory for decades now.

Pablo Martรญnez

@Moss @v0idness @bedast @smallcircles thereโ€™s a subreddit, with the title and topic โ€œStallman was rightโ€, that gathers lots of cases where a little bit of being a little bit more paranoid or cautious would have avoided lots of loss, pain and injustice, mostly derived from unjust software and hardware lockdown.

small circle ๐Ÿ•Š in calmness

@pablo_martan @Moss @v0idness @bedast

I am founder/facilitator of the (now dormant) Humane Tech Community myself and worked in liaison with Center for Humane Technology for a time. This for 7 years now, and I've been astounded many times by insidiuous and evil uses of technology. Things that sound outrageous and thinfoil hat to the uninformed are common practice. Like ultrasonic cross-device tracking.

PS. forum archive at

@pablo_martan @Moss @v0idness @bedast

I am founder/facilitator of the (now dormant) Humane Tech Community myself and worked in liaison with Center for Humane Technology for a time. This for 7 years now, and I've been astounded many times by insidiuous and evil uses of technology. Things that sound outrageous and thinfoil hat to the uninformed are common practice. Like ultrasonic cross-device tracking.


@pablo_martan @Moss @bedast @smallcircles Stallman is a necrophile and a pedophile lmao, he was wrong


@pablo_martan @Moss @bedast @smallcircles also stallman cares more about corporate profits than the common good of people, GNU/FSF was made for corporations not people.

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