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European Commission

2024 set a record as the warmest in history, with the average global temperatures 1.6°C above pre-industrial levels.

Multiple global records were broken, contributing to extreme events, including floods, heatwaves and wildfires.

The impact of human-caused climate change accelerates.

Learn more about the Global Climate Highlights ➡️


Graph titled '2024 was the warmest year on record and first above 1.5°C.' The subtitle is: "annual global temperature anomalies relative to pre-industrial levels (1850–1900)". The bars are color-coded from yellow to dark red, with warmer anomalies represented in red. The chart highlights a steady rise in temperatures since 1940, culminating in 2024 exceeding 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
Jesus Margar

@EUCommission if only there was one supranational government that could take swift action...


@jesusmargar There is, corporate goal is to double these numbers ahead of schedule.

Nik 🍉

@EUCommission And you've decided to make it worse by building "AI factories"


@EUCommission This post sounds like there's something to celebrate. No indication on how to move forwards from here...

Gurre Vildskägg

We know many things to do that would improve the situation.
But greedy men running/owning megacorporations don't want to and buy politicians.


@EUCommission and the consequence should be to move even faster to a carbon free society. I am missing the urgency here… apparently our plan was overtaken by reality.

✾ Mark ✾

Taking gigawatts of wind energy from nature does not contribute to a healthy planet, it's time to start admitting to that.


@EUCommission Impressive! Is there an organization that, if it decided to impose drastic changes on its members, could transform this situation?

Jari Nikkinen

@EUCommission We need to build more nuclear power together with renewable energy sources.


@Jarska96 @EUCommission The ever lasting problem with Nuclear power is its waste. There was talk about salt reactors being able to burn uranium further. Skimming through the summary on page 277: "A few major technical and non-technical challenges in the development
of MSRs are still to be solved prior to the scale-up of the technology and its
deployment" ->

Fusion? Well...:

@Jarska96 @EUCommission The ever lasting problem with Nuclear power is its waste. There was talk about salt reactors being able to burn uranium further. Skimming through the summary on page 277: "A few major technical and non-technical challenges in the development
of MSRs are still to be solved prior to the scale-up of the technology and its
deployment" ->

Jari Nikkinen

@jonnyDumb @EUCommission Firstly, the waste is not that kind of a problem. It can be stored safely underground, why do you think in Finland we have the Onkalo spent nuclear fuel repository? Also it can be reused.

Secondly, i don't necessarily mean nuclear power just using uranium. It's an existing way to produce energy that will kill off coal & gas. Salt reactors, SMRs, etc... are part of it.

And as for fusion... That's the eventual future of nuclear energy.


@EUCommission And yet you are extremely happy with large ai data centres and want to reduce a forest protection plan. Sit down and stop being hypocrites. You know why this is happening.

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