@bedast I think the biggest issue currently is: AI is way to overused in marketing. In fedi, many bubbles mostly don't like AI at all, because for them, AI = GenAI.
Of course, you could look at the automated subtitles on youtube, where swears are censored (which is stupid, lol), or are just plain bad in languages other than English. (e.g. in German it's quite useless.)
So what is the correct thing to do? I'd say: Look at how the subtitles perform. How much performance do they cost? Are they enabled by default (aka. opt out via an options / context menu)? How well do they work in other languages? Do they censor anything? How's the delay?
I mean, I don't know anyone who actively says voice assistants / voice transcription functions in programs are bad *because* they use AI for Speech to Text. And, if I may say... The text transcription on my Pixel phone is working fully locally, in German, without any issues. It's possible, It's not bad. AND: It's not actively advertised as "we have the best AI to do transcription".
Yes, I know... Transcription is not the same as subtitles, but it's still more close to it than having nothing.
Even though I don't need subtitles and can't hear the word "AI" one more time, I'm interested to see, what VLC does there.
Though, I'd love to see a released version 4.0, which would fix some issues I have with VLC, but... eh, we can't have everything I suppose.
@SteffoSpieler @bedast
"Yes, I know... Transcription is not the same as subtitles, but it's still more close to it than having nothing."
In fact, as someone who is hard of hearing, inaccurate subtitles and transcription is usually worse than trying to figure out what little I'm hearing from context cues.
Accessibility requires work, disabled people require more than just half assed machine learning. If creators cannot put human created captions on media they should question whether creating media is the right job for them. "Something is better than nothing" is how we end up with unsafe wheelchairs kitbashed out of bicycle parts, printed flat dots where there should be braille, and inaccessible captchas.
So if you want to pat VLC on the back for this go ahead, but I'll still refuse to use media without human created captions because everything else is unusable garbage.
@SteffoSpieler @bedast
"Yes, I know... Transcription is not the same as subtitles, but it's still more close to it than having nothing."
In fact, as someone who is hard of hearing, inaccurate subtitles and transcription is usually worse than trying to figure out what little I'm hearing from context cues.