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nil :demisexual_flag:

i spent hours trying to get this program to run for the bit and then gave up and just faked it with a shell script. why am i like this :)

edit: i did a bit of hacking to bypass parts of the code that weren't working in the emulator, and confirmed that the program will behave exactly like the screenshot:

Phil M0OFX

@nil To be fair I'd have probably done the same ... I imagine you did something along the lines of grepping all the binaries for that string and trying to patch them with ghidra (which is what I'd have probably done)

nil :demisexual_flag:

@philpem i tried a quick grep for the string in the binaries and couldn't find it, so i instead wrote a shell script that just prints it out. even if i did find it, at this point i wasn't feeling like putting in the effort to hack a binary just for a funny screenshot

nil :demisexual_flag:

ok now i'm curious. i'm opening up the program in ghidra, and it turns out there's a check for the future and the past?? and there's debug symbols too, so that's nice... i'll try to clean up the decompilation of validate_system_time and show what it does

nil :demisexual_flag:

the majority of this function is just parsing a hardcoded string ("Mar 1 2004") to convert it to year, month, and date integers. this isn't the future limit date, btw. the program also checks if the date is too far in the *past*. looks like the hardcoded last allowed time you can run this program is midnight on December 31, 2009

nil :demisexual_flag:

so if it makes anyone feel better i just got the actual real code to print out the message. i had to nop out everything before the time validation function so it would run (the sunpci hardware isn't emulated on qemu), but indeed this program does check the date and exit if it's too far in the future

The same message in the previous screenshot, but from a program called "patched.elf".

@nil lol wtf how shortsighted of them

total L for not having a force option

Bex, considering Verena as her new name
@nil what point in time does Solaris consider to be too far into the future?
Walter van Holst

@nil That is one way to solve the 2038 problem...

Sebastian Hagedorn :koeln:

@nil I think I ran into the past check back in the day, because the system came up with epoch as boot time, or something like that.

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