Final stats for 2024:
Total 13'299'621 steps (plus ~20k unaccounted over watches charging periods)
Best day: 60171 steps (second best 56271, so 60k was a fluke)
Worst day: 2809.
Median: 37488 steps/day.

For >=10k steps: 362 days, and strike of 246 days.
For >=20k: 329 days with 65 strike.
For >=30k: 295 and 39.
For >=40k: 147 and 6 :)
For >=50k: 28 days out of 366, and only 3 days strike like that.

Best month: October, with 41481 steps/day median and 1294249 total.
Worst month: November, with 731360 total and 24153 median.