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Léonie Watson

Right 2025, listen up!

If you think we're going to put up with another 2024, you can think again.

We want more kindness and less hostility; more thoughtfulness and fewer bros; fewer disagreements and more conversations; more curiosity and fewer assumptions; and if you can't manage that, we'll damned well have to do it for ourselves.

On reflection, who's with me?


@tink I am with you. It’s a magnificent list.

Andy Wootton

@tink I need to think about whether I'm willing to be less hostile to evil people. I've never found my tolerance gets rewarded in kind. My alternative is blocking them and that doesn't aid the conversation directive. I'm not sure appeasement ever works on fascists.

Karl Dubost

@tink ❤️ That sounds like a wonderful thing to root for.

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