....and don't use .local at home either. Learn about home.arpa
@sindastra @bekopharm I agree that you wouldn't want to use ".local" as a DNS domain tho. That way leads to annoying device discovery failure, such as printers not working. @bekopharm @kepstin Oh, you two mean not to use ".local" as that "find domain"? As in, fine for mDNS but not for the default in LAN? @sindastra @bekopharm exactly; ".local" and a few special ranges of arpa reverse-dns domains are reserved for special use by RFC6762 and should not be used for anything other than Multicast DNS. The special handling for these domains is described in https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6762#section-22.1 - includes things like that DNS libraries and DNS servers should recognize the domain and refuse to forward/resolve queries for it. @bekopharm @kepstin @sindastra @sindarina And although .mail, .corp and .home were rejected as gTLD, they could still be assigned in the future, if enshittification goes forth. @bekopharm This is the first time I hear of home.arpa. RFC: rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8375.htm… "This document specifies the behavior that is expected from the Domain Name System with regard to DNS queries for names ending with '.home.arpa.' and designates this domain as a special-use domain name. 'home.arpa.' is designated for non-unique use in residential home networks. The Home Networking Control Protocol (HNCP) is updated to use the 'home.arpa.' domain instead of '.home'." |
@bekopharm .local is reserved and safe, and intended to be used with mDNS (which is implemented in "Bonjour" and "Avahi" and is sometimes referred to as "zeroconf", although that's not quite the correct term). 🤓