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𝕽𝖔𝖔𝖙 𝘽𝙎𝘿 :luke_smith: :ablobsunglasses: :kirbeats: :openbsd: :tux:

Linux vs OpenBSD pros and cons

Linux pros

- Vast amount of hardware support
- Very good performance
- Large amount of software works/compiles on Linux
- Windows binary compatibility via wine and it's forks.

Linux cons

- Not very stable, Linux is a patchwork quilt of 3rd party software and independent developers that are often trying to reinvent the wheel. There is a reason why distrohopping is a thing.
- Very complex, a lot of administration and tasks on Linux systems is very over engineered and over complicated.

OpenBSD pros

- Very secure, just as much as Linux, possibly more with smart usage. OpenBSD has a much leaner attack surface and uses aggressive security practices.

- Very elegant and simple design. Administration and tasks are easy and beginner friendly.

OpenBSD cons

- Less performant that Linux or FreeBSD. Tends to run a little hotter on the CPU
- Much smaller hardware support than Linux, FreeBSD or NetBSD
- Less software available in ports, no wine, wayland or obs-studio.
- Less customization options or knobs to fiddle than Linux or FreeBSD. Only one filesystem is supported, etc.

1 comment
𝕽𝖔𝖔𝖙 𝘽𝙎𝘿 :luke_smith: :ablobsunglasses: :kirbeats: :openbsd: :tux:

I removed the security jab about Linux, honestly I can't get a straight answer from the web and all articles are biased to a degree.

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