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@gruber @stroughtonsmith @callin @jramskov @bouncing I think Steve's point here is that the USB-C mandate hasn't prevented Apple from innovating as they argued it would.

It goes to show that the multi-trillion dollar company that they are will always be able to innovate, regardless of the regulations imposed on it. So perhaps they should just comply with them instead of acting like a spoiled child and relying on this disproven argument.

Geri 🎻 replied to Niléane

@nileane @gruber @stroughtonsmith @callin @jramskov @bouncing They became a multi-trillion dollar company for a reason.

They created the playground and now a 3rd party wanna say how to operate the swing. I’m disgusted.

Niléane replied to Geri

@gergely @gruber @stroughtonsmith @callin @jramskov @bouncing If you created the playground, and it’s one of the only two playgrounds in the neighborhood, and you are actively making sure that only *your* kids can win or even play at the games on offer, then I’m sorry but you’re just a bully.

And I better hope the city steps in to ensure that every kid in that neighborhood can play.

Ken Kinder :clubtwit: replied to Niléane

@nileane @gruber @stroughtonsmith @callin @jramskov What confuses me about this discourse is that they are complying. This is what compliance looks like.

jramskov replied to Ken Kinder :clubtwit:

@bouncing @nileane @gruber @stroughtonsmith @callin Isn't the EC still looking at whether Apple is actually in compliance or not?

Ken Kinder :clubtwit: replied to jramskov

@jramskov @nileane @gruber @stroughtonsmith @callin Some legal jostling was always inevitable. And whatever tweaks come down the pike, I doubt they’ll be substantially different and I doubt they’ll satisfy the peanut gallery.

Also the fact that it’s far from obvious whether they’re in compliance is evidence of a badly written law.

jramskov replied to Ken Kinder :clubtwit:

@bouncing @nileane @gruber @stroughtonsmith @callin Perhaps, but I don’t completely buy that argument. Legal matters seems often take time. They have to make sure the judgement is right and fair. At the same time it is new regulation that everyone needs to become comfortable with.
Maybe it is badly written, I don’t know - I’m not a legal expert in any way.

Ken Kinder :clubtwit: replied to jramskov

@jramskov @nileane @gruber @stroughtonsmith @callin What would need to happen for it to be clearly good or bad? Or mixed?

jramskov replied to Ken Kinder :clubtwit:

@bouncing @nileane @gruber @stroughtonsmith @callin That’s not easy to answer 🙂 I hope it’ll reign in some of the extraordinary power these huge corporations have.

John Gruber replied to jramskov

@jramskov @bouncing @nileane @stroughtonsmith @callin None of this is a “legal matter”. The EU never found Apple guilty of violating any crime. None of this back and forth is happening through a court system. It’s all regulatory. Very different.

jramskov replied to John

@gruber @bouncing @nileane @stroughtonsmith @callin English isn’t my native language, I guess I’m just using “legal” slightly wrong 🙂

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