@gruber @bouncing @stroughtonsmith Have Apple given any statements that tells us? I haven't seen any other than “it's the DMA” and then everyone can speculate, but nobody really knows. It could certainly be that they should make it possible to do on Windows laptops, etc. as well. That would make it a bigger job for them to implement a public API/standard for it. To make the market work, different rules are required for the gatekeepers.
@jramskov @gruber @stroughtonsmith Setting aside the business case that might exist against supporting competitors’ devices, any software developer can tell you what a poison scope creep is to a project and it getting green lighted.
Going from mirroring iPhones on Macs to mirroring any device on any computer is beyond scope creep: it’s going from making a single feature to starting a reference implementation for a new standard.