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Jack Rusher

This photo was taken in Baikonur, Kazakhstan, a city central to the Soviet space program. After seeing it, I want a science fiction series inspired by this aesthetic…

A man in military uniform astride a camel poses in front of a Soyuz rocket.

@jack wait - wasn't cyberpunk - before the dystopia got a blueprint for billionares - about "high tech and low life"? something about non-simultaneity?

on the other hand: solar punk affirmes the regional and the sustainable …

Irène Langlet


You might like "Infinity", a French TV series (2022)

4/5 for the atmosphere and aesthetics
4/5 for the beginning if the narrative
1/5 for the end


@jack same vibes from this painting by Ivan Razumov: “Mir”

A painting of a totem constructed from the parts of the Mir space station, with people holding hands in a circle around it

@jack funny, at first glance I thought this was a outtake still from the first Star Wars movie! A neat aesthetic for certain!

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