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Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

So this time I did one cut and I was like eh, a little disappointed. I wondered what I would have got if I'd cut at the opposite (90°) angle instead... Much better!


A bell pepper cut in cross section. Maybe the cavities shown could be mouths making an 'ooo' or 'eeehh' sound, but, meh.
The four quarters laid differently to show the cross section at 90° to the previous, and now we get two great villanous looking gaping mouths! Now they both have lines down the middle, with eyes poked in to make the 'mouths' look even more realistic.
Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

I hereby name this one the Pepperstrellus

E! E-E-E-E-E-E! E-E? E-E-E!!

A red bell pepper cut in cross section with cavities that make it look like it has a big open mouth with teeth at the top, and two large perky animal ears. A nose and eyes have been carved in. It looks quite like a bat's face.
Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

I think the one on the left is more amused than the one on the right. Maybe they've both just seen something they cannot unsee...


A red bell pepper cut in half, both sides look like faces with wide open mouths and terrible (missing, wonky) teeth. One looks mildly amused and the other somewhat horrified!
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