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Kevin P. Fleming

A - DNS record
AA - battery
AAA - battery
AAAA - DNS record

#DNS #Battery #Confusion


@JennyFluff @kevin *nodnod* the stylus for the Microsoft Surface needs those.

Howard Chu @ Symas

@NiklasMM @JennyFluff @kevin yep. They're all dry cells. A 9V battery is just 6 AAAAs wrapped in a rectangular package.


@JennyFluff @kevin literally had a discussion about this yesterday after someone from our assembly went to the Media Markt for AAAA batteries for a tablet pen 😂

RealGene ☣️

@eloy @JennyFluff @kevin
You can get 6 AAAA batteries by cutting open many brands of 9V batteries.


@kevin AAAA is also a battery believe it or not.

They aren't used in a lot of consumer electronics, but you'll find them hidden inside a few things, often soldered in. I've seen a few mini remotes for various devices (not TV remotes) that used them though. Also, these days manufacturers are so cheap that you'll also find them in most 9V batteries. They literally just wrap up six metal cased batteries with another metal case so you can't tell.

Esi Jóhannes G.

@kevin This naming scheme for DNS actually comes from the fact that DNS Records are written in these said batteries and these batteries are then placed into the nameservers.


ran mak


AAAA - uncommonly used battery and dns record

Pēteris Caune

@kevin now the logical question – AAAAA: DNS record or battery?

Chris (Master of Potate) 🥔

@cuu508 @kevin by extending from the given info its:

AAAAA: battery
AAAAAA: battery

cynicalsecurity :cm_2:

@kevin D - battery to be thrown at non-working DNS.

/cc @jpmens

Melroy van den Berg

@kevin so AA and AAA batteries are therefor two and three times respectively the size of a single ipv4 address size (32 bits). This makes so much sense, thanks!

Thomas Schäfer

Don't forget:

AAA Prime (Triple A) by rating agencies.



It blew my mind when I discovered when my ISP started to support IPV6 they gave me a /48 prefix, this means (quote) '[it] contains 2^80 addresses, being 2^48 or about 2.8×10^14 times larger than the entire IPv4 address space of 2^32 addresses...


neil okamoto

@kevin Aren’t they all dry cleaning or automobile towing businesses in the local Yellow Pages directory?

Kevin P. Fleming

@neilo My father used to work for a company that repaired TVs and other consumer electronics (decades ago, when people still did that). It was named A-Amphi TV, for the same reason.


@kevin AAAA is also a battery you uneducated A

@kevin The address is 4 times as many bits, so it clearly needs 4x A.
Zhenbo Li

@kevin @sesivany

AAAA: A DNS record, server powered by AAA battery



The sound you hear when somebody jumps off the roof because he cannot distinguish between DNS record and battery.


A - 10
AA - 170
AAA - 2730
AAAA - 43690
AAAAA - 699050
AAAAAA - 11184810

🚀 Ⓛ Ⓐ Ⓤ Ⓡ Ⓔ Ⓝ Ⓣ 🛸 🪐

@kevin AAAAA : Association amicale des amateurs d'andouillette authentique (Friendly Association of Lovers of Authentic Andouillette)

Patrick Schmitz

@kevin all four of them are actually batteries.

Adrien Plazas

@kevin Batteries and DNS records not included.



I accidentally ordered AAAA batteries once. I still have them. Never seen thing that takes them.

Princess Dalius

@swope @kevin so far I have only seen tablet styluses and pen-sized flashlights use them.


@kevin AAAAA - Sausage Appreciation Society (Association amicale des amateurs d'andouillette authentique - in French, obviously)

Denis :flan_le_french:

@kevin French also have "AAAAA - andouillette" :flan_nom:

Sean Coates

@kevin @olivier MX - DNS record
.mx - TLD for Mexico
ⅯⅩ - 1010


@kevin Confusion is discovering that there was an era of stylus tech that used AAAA batteries.

Tim WIcinski

@kevin These are also all Minor League Baseball leagues

Kevin Neely :donor:

@kevin my Surface pen takes AAAA batteries. I didn't know they existed until it died and needed a replacement.


@kevin I had a Bamboo Ink stylus pen, which uses AAAA batteries.

Apparently there's an A size as well though. TIL


@kevin @danb I remember A batteries for my childhood cassette recorder, and AAAA batteries for my MP3 player. (About at the same time as the latter I also learned about AAAA DNS records.) Am I old or are you young?


@kevin you forgot french andouillette AAAAA (but I hate it)

Rosie 🌹 :verified_trans: :queercat_lesbian: everyone is saying how AAAA is a battery but I think A is a battery too, just even less common than AAAA

Régis Haubourg

@kevin believe me or not, my brain just clicked on this memorization tip last week. After years trying to find a way...

Alex Markley :mbetv:

@kevin don’t forget:
AA - Alcoholics Anonymous
AAA - that roadside assistance company

Then skipping down a bit:
AAAAA - the sound people make when they discover how overloaded acronyms are

Kevin P. Fleming

Well... this toot blew up a bit, and for the first time I've seen the actual 'fragmented reply view' problem that lots of ActivityPub people have been talking about. I got seven replies mentioning that AAAAA is the French andouillette society, and there's a pretty strong chance that none of the people who sent those replies could see the other ones as they were all sent from different instances.

@kevin and I see exactly zero of those replies!
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