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Privacy Guides

We are saddened to hear that DivestOS will no longer be maintained, including their other mobile projects such as Mull and Hypatia. We're therefore removing them from our site, but wish the developer well with their future endeavours.

Privacy Guides

We recommend switching to an alternative if possible. See our Android overview for more information:

Chris DeStefano

@privacyguides did he not think the donation drive would hit the mark?

Mad Scientist

@ChrisDeStefano @privacyguides I don't think it has anything to do with donations. He probably got tired of maintaining the stuff after a decade of doing it on his own.


I hate that we let this happen. The loss of Mull leaves a major privacy gap. Thank you for your years of service, @divested ✊


@privacyguides very sad news indeed. This seems rather abrupt. I hope the devs are OK.

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