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Gernot Wagner

Fascinating to see how fast Paris cleaned up its smog pollution.

Equally fascinating: how this same graphic has been making the round from French via German to now English meme status

#Paris #pollution #climate #cycling

Massively improved air quality in Paris between 2007 and today

@gwagner Unambiguous how much smog follows the road traffic, too.

Maddie :patsMaddie:
@gwagner imagine if there was a profit motive to do this. america would be so clean
A land fit for all our futures

@WestLawns @gwagner it looks like it. A shame really, as is the lower resolution colour bar. But it looks like there's nothing being hidden here, it may just be that, at the same viewing window as the other 3 figures, the poor air quality that remains around the narrow envelope of the roads is invisible.

West Lawns

@PenguinJunk @gwagner
I can understand that the focus may be on the centre. Or perhaps the methodology changed.
From a fair comparison viewpoint, sometimes it is better to keep the references the same.


@gwagner can you please give me Informations about the source of the grafic (link?) - thank you!

millennial falcon

@gwagner thanks Gernot! for sharing the visual of this exemplary solution to the huge, ongoing, life-destroying, disgusting problem of cars killing cities.


@gwagner ich finde toll, was in Paris passiert. In Stuttgart gibt es das so in der Art nicht, obwohl es die Lebensqualität sicher erheblich verbessern würde.
Und trotzdem sähe die Karte für Stuttgart fast identisch aus. Ich habe leider nur Tabellen gefunden
Die NOx-Werte hängen eher an der Abgasnachbehandlung als an der Verkehrsdichte.

Nigel Lake

@gwagner Paris is fantastic - so much better in the centre than I remember. Here's a snap from a few days ago...

A Paris street on Ile Saint-Louis at night, with the cobbles shining cleanly.

@gwagner Amazing what limiting car traffic can do.

(I know that's not the only thing Paris did, but it is a large contributor).

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