they're migrating for winter...
@chlod This is how you hang BLÅHAJs on the ceiling! Take notes entropia, not [vague gestures]
@chlod if you're cold, they're cold, put them in your bed
@chlod I'll keep them cosy! 💖
@chlod they’re going home to me for christmas
@chlod they are comin for us all :3
@chlod Omg! Sharknado! 😱 😂👍
@chlod into my bed, i hope? 🥺 :blahaj:
@chlod They migrate to sharkiversum :blobcateyes: where do i get one of the chunky bois at the back???
@chlod to Hamburg would be my guess.
@chlod *plays Flight of the Valkyries*
@chlod I can't be the only one seeing this and thinking "Sharknado", can I???
@chlod Sharks aren't pack animals, so there's probability no word a group of sharks is there? How about a group of sharks is called a snuggle? A snuggle of shark!
@chlod "Baby shark doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo"
@chlod Or away from the US...
@chlod "C'mon girls, its Trans Girl Summer down south."
@chlod @AnTrE Why not #38C3 leak?
@chlod Why is the HVAC duct sad tho? 😟
This is how you hang BLÅHAJs on the ceiling! Take notes entropia, not [vague gestures]