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FreeCAD Version 1.0 Released
After more than twenty years of intense and sustained development, the FreeCAD community is proud to announce the release of version 1.0. FreeCAD 1.0 is now available for download on all platforms.

#Announcement #Releases


@FreeCAD If it is half as great as the release candidates for 1.0 it will be quite amazing!



I thank god everyday that you guys exist. Congratulations on this monumental task done. RIP Ondsel.

Dan Summers

@FreeCAD Fantastic! I was kinda halfway through learning to drive version 0.22, but from what I see so far 1.0 is a huge upgrade. Will have to do some more tutorials/experiments at the weekend, after upgrading!


@FreeCAD Thanks for the hard work and congratulations reaching the 1.0 version. I only discovered it a week ago, I love using it!

Dermot Jones

@FreeCAD fantastic news - congratulations to the whole team

I think this will be a game changer

Demetris Stavrou

@FreeCAD What a milestone! Congratulations to all people involved and contributed over the years. 🎉 ❤️


@FreeCAD thanks to all the contributors and community on an awesome release!

Jack Linke 🦄

@FreeCAD @marcgibbons This made me think of your DjangoCon talk from a couple months ago 😆

Seriously, though, awesome work, FreeCAD! I remember using your software ~10 years ago, and it has come SO FAR!

Marc Gibbons

@jack @FreeCAD Love it! But really, the one and only versioning scheme is

Gina Häußge

@FreeCAD Congratulations to that milestone and thank you so much for your work! 👏👏👏


@FreeCAD Massive appreciation for all involved! What a colossal achievement. It's like the Little Engine That Could: "I think I can, I think I can... all the way up the mountain.. and still climbing.


Thanks a lot.
Even if I use an other soft for my job.

Merci beaucoup
Même si je travaille avec un autre logiciel

Ján Haluška

@FreeCAD That is a superb new logo! Congrats on the update :)


@FreeCAD Congratulations on the release and thank you to everyone working on making it happen! I wish I would do more than just creating random objects for 3D printing 😃 Maybe this is the time to finally dig deeper? 👍


Großartig! Vielen Dank an alle, die in den vergangenen Jahren an #Freecad mitgearbeitet und somit Version 1.0 ermöglicht haben. Wenn das mal kein Grund für eine Neuauflage des #Unistick von @fsfwdresden bzw. @schulstick ist. #freiesoftware #3d #makerspace

Koen Hufkens, PhD

@FreeCAD Huge thanks to the team and all contributors !!!

Koen Hufkens, PhD

@FreeCAD Also made me realize I started using FreeCAD a decade ago, and I now feel old (it was 2013, on the couch staying at a friends place when starting a new job - remember it vividly).


@FreeCAD congrats to the 20 years of programmers

Ivor Hewitt

@FreeCAD Woo hoo! Brilliant. 👏 I've only been using it for a few months, but I've been amazed how powerful (and easy) it is to model some really complex designs.

An exploded 3d model of an enclosure with many openings and mounting points.
A grey 3d printed enclosure of the model, held in a hand
@ivor @FreeCAD woah. i need to install this. ive been trying to find a nice interface to do cad things and learn 3dp

@FreeCAD I love that it took 20 years of beta releases to reach the point where you said, "this, this is good enough for a final release".
It's "Move slow and make things" personified. Congratulations and well done all the developers.


@FreeCAD awesome work, congratulations! Big thanks to everyone involved. This is huge!


@FreeCAD Congratulations 🎉 The 1.0 is a massive achievement. And a huge improvement over 0.22 in so many respects


@FreeCAD awesome! congrats to your release and thanks for enabling all my maker-shenanigans for a decade now!


@FreeCAD best news of the year! Will definitely not be missing you guys out in my #fossdecemberdonations


@FreeCAD Congratulations!! Y’all are amazing and everyone who worked on the project should be proud!

@FreeCAD thank you for your gift to the world, amazing dedication!!!
Section77 e.V.

@FreeCAD Perfect timing! We’ll have a release party for FreeCAD 1.0! 🎉🍾🎊 Join us on Sat, 2024-12-07 starting at 2 pm, details on

Helge Wurst

@FreeCAD Petition to rename FPA to "FreeCAD Progress Addicts" 😎


@FreeCAD Congratulations, you guys are doing great :ablobcatreach:

Adrian McEwen

@FreeCAD congratulations! Guess that means I should go update my RC1 version 🤣

David Voki

@FreeCAD Despues de 22 años de desarrollo, FreeCAD 1.0


@FreeCAD wow! Congrats and thanks to the team . !!! God I love foss..:opensource:

Quico Viciano

Estem d'enhorabona!!! Avui s'estrena la primera versió estable de FreeCAD: un projecte desenvolupat de forma col·laborativa i comunitària que ja comença a mirar de tu a tu amb programes de modelatge 3D privatius 🚀 #FreeCAD #OpenSource

Renn Kane, Alberto Grandi stan

#LastBoost tiens FreeCAD est enfin en version 1.0!

je l’ai pas mal utilisé récemment, très bon software, mais vraiment de gros problèmes d’UX, j’espère que c’est au moins en partie adressé dans la 1.0, parce que pour l’instant j’utiliserai Fusion 360 pour mes prochains projets de CAO

Renn Kane, Alberto Grandi stan

Parce que franchement quand tu modifies un truc random dans l’arbre d’opérations et que le solver te fait une diarrhée d’erreurs pour d’autres trucs complètement unrelated, c’est extrêmement crispant

Renn Kane, Alberto Grandi stan

Si j’en crois les release notes ça devrait aller mieux à ce niveau là justement
« Following a long development process, Realthunders Topological naming problem mitigation algorithm has been incorporated into FreeCAD Version 1.0. This algorithm offers resiliency against topology changes in a parametric chain and a vast improvement of a model’s stability. » noice


@FreeCAD Congratulations! I've been using #FreeCAD for 4 years and it's totally amazing. Thank you for you hard work!

Peter Kisner ≈

This is nice to hear. Looking back, it appears the last version of FreeCAD I installed was 0.2 something.

Helge Wurst

@FreeCAD the YT video thumbnails are also out of control 😅

Gokul Das

@FreeCAD Unbelievable! I waited more than a decade for this and I missed it by 5 days!

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