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Niki Tonsky

TIL macOS does alpha test on click and if the pixel is fully transparent your click doesn’t register. IMO pretty cool

Matt Lacey

@nikitonsky This made more sense when I spotted who was posting it.


@nikitonsky IMO that's not cool, that's extremely annoying.

(roll m3tti)

@nikitonsky wow this is changing the way we interact with computers as a whole :D


@nikitonsky WOW! It is like a small whack-a-mole game intelligently integrated in a disruptive UI that now brings joy in a whole new level. Just genius! 😍

Wez Furlong :terminal:

@nikitonsky <insert joke about `vi` being hard to launch as well as quit here>

Wesley Moore

@nikitonsky The original Macintosh in 1984 had a separate mask on icons to define the clickable area. It allowed having an icon with a 'hole' where clicking the hole still activated the icon, such as this Excel 1.0 icon. The outside corners of the box containing the icon do not activate it but clicking in the middle does.

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