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Veronica Explains

DuckDuckGo is now telling me to disable my adblocker? What even is this?

A dialog which says:

See more shopping results from popular retailers

Try disabling your ad blocker on DuckDuckGo to see more results. We make money from privacy-respecting search ads, not by exploiting your data.

A button reads "Allow Privacy-Respecting Ads" and is outlined, a non-outlined link reads "Continue Blocking Ads".

@vkc duckduckgo has gotten worse and worse recently. I use LibreY nowadays. Theres plenty of instances, but i use Make sure you go into settings and set your language, otherwise you won't get gkpd results.

Paul L

Related, if the ads are shown for a shopping search, this tooltip does not exactly fill me with confidence:

Ads in a DuckDuckGo shopping search: ⓘ tooltip reads: Viewing ads is privacy protected by DuckDuckGo. Ad clicks are managed by Microsoft's ad network. More Info
Arch :arch:

@vkc did they get bought by mozilla recently /s

dianaisntjolly :neodog_santa:
@arch no they get funded by microsoft instead :neodog_blep:
The Notorious GDB ☄️

@vkc 🤔🤔🤔 what the... and to think I was just about to choose DDG as my default browser.


@vkc this is not good. I use now but yeahhh definitely not using DDG from now on.


@vkc what exactly is a "privacy respecting ad"? And I ask that seriously. Is it just a neutral ad network hoping for X percentage of click throughs because it's not tracking..."something"?

Like, what's the pitch there?

Where it doesn't feel deceitful, it feels deranged.

CpyJx 🍉

@vkc give SearchXNG a try. uses other search engines and you can self host if you want to contribute.


@vkc duck duck go has fallen so far from where it once was :blob_cat_oh_no:

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