i wanted to see what happened when you clicked the initial "changing taskbar colour" link without an internet connection, but it just disappears
i wanted to see what happened when you clicked the initial "changing taskbar colour" link without an internet connection, but it just disappears 5 comments
@JoshuaACNewman @lynnesbian I think this is pretty standard industry practice: a company has a highly requested feature and determine that it's less work to add buttons for the feature in multiple places and link them together in an infinite redirect loop... They know most interested stakeholders will lose interest after the first 3 redirects, very few will retain focus long enough to actually complain. Then their share prices go up @ovrim @JoshuaACNewman @lynnesbian does your computer have trouble with mice? What you need is Click Repellent! @lynnesbian I wonder if this is supposed to work like electron, but they just borked it |
This is peak Microsoft design.